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Safeguarding Policy


Children,  young people and adults at risk in the Church

The aim of Dormansland Baptist Church (“DBC”) is to be people who live the good news of Jesus Christ by becoming and actively growing as disciples of Jesus; and sharing God’s love and God’s word with each other, with our community and with the world.

In fulfilling this aim, DBC has a programme of activities with children and young people and we welcome children and young people and adults at risk into the life of our fellowship.

DBC recognises its responsibilities for the safeguarding of all, especially children and young people under the age of 18 (regardless of gender, ethnicity or ability) as set out in The Children Act 1989 and 2004,  Safe from Harm (HM Government 1994) and Working Together to Safeguard Children (HM Government 2015).

As members of DBC we commit ourselves to the nurturing, protection and safeguarding of all children and young people associated with DBC and will pray for them regularly.

In pursuit of this we commit ourselves to the following policies and to the development of procedures to ensure the implementation of these policies.

  1. Respecting children and young people

DBC will insist on behaviour from all who are appointed to work with children and young people that shows the respect that is due to those children and young people.

  1. A safe community

DBC is committed to the prevention of bullying of children and young people.  The church will seek to ensure that the behaviour of any of those who may pose a risk to children and young people in the community of the church is managed appropriately.

  1. Safe recruitment, support and supervision of workers

DBC will exercise proper care in the selection and appointment of those working with children and young people, whether paid or voluntary.  All workers will be provided with appropriate training, support and supervision to promote the safeguarding of children.

  1. Safe working practices

DBC is committed to providing a safe environment for activities with children and young people and will adopt ways of working with children and young people that promote their safety and well-being.

  1. Prevention of and reporting of abuse

It is the duty of each member of DBC and all who are part of the wider church family to prevent the physical, sexual and emotional abuse of children and young people and to report any abuse disclosed, discovered or suspected.  DBC will fully co-operate with any statutory investigation into any suspected abuse linked with DBC.

 Contact points/Responsible people

The minister and deacons will oversee and monitor implementation of the policy and procedures with the help of the Designated Person.

 Designated Person – Diane Jackson

They will advise the church on any matters related to the safeguarding of children and adults at risk and take the appropriate action when abuse is disclosed, discovered or suspected.

Phone number –  07944273753           email address – 

Safeguarding Trustee – Andrew Tulloch

They  will raise the profile of safeguarding within the church and oversee and monitor the implementation of the safeguarding policy and procedures on behalf of the church trustees.

Phone number -  07950375582              email address -

 Policy and procedures

A copy of this policy statement will be displayed permanently on the notice board in the church entrance lobby.

Each worker with children and young people, whether paid or voluntary, will be given a full copy of the policy and procedures and will be required to follow them.  A full copy of the policy and procedures will be made available on request to any member of DBC, the parents or carers of any child or young person from the church or any other person associated with the church.

The policy and procedures will be monitored and reviewed at least annually.  The policy statement will be read/reissued annually at the DBC annual general meeting in March, together with a report of the outcome of the annual review.

Protection of adults at risk

DBC also recognises its responsibilities for the safeguarding of adults at risk and ensuring their well-being in the life of the church.

It is the responsibility of each of us to prevent the physical, emotional, sexual, financial and spiritual abuse of adults at risk and to report any such abuse that we discover or suspect.

We similarly undertake to exercise proper care in the appointment, selection, resourcing and training of those who work with adults at risk.

DBC adopts the guidelines of the Baptist Union of Great Britain published in “Safe to Belong”.

DBC will apply broadly the same procedures, as appropriate, in relation to adults at risk as in relation to children and young people.